The company EDDOM was created in 2006, by Josep Domènech Jofre, Technical Architect (1990) and engineer Building (2009) and the society EDETCO TECNICS, (represented by Francesc Monells Descamps) that has more than 35 years of experience in Project and Construction management (created in 1983). Both companies maintain a relationship of cooperation without interruption since 2006.
EDDOM has been involved over the years in the management and direction of construction and rehabilitation of several projects. Its area of action has been basically Catalonia, especially Barcelona and surroundings, but has also been involved in projects in the rest of Spain, southern France, Andorra and even Africa (Benin and Niger).
The kind of projects and works our company was involved covered both the housing sector, and hotels, as well as many offices buildings: We should emphasize the orientation in recent years with the hotel sector, with the Construction and refurbishing of several projects in Barcelona.
Our technical team consists of experienced Technical Architects in the area of Project and Construction management.